AgriSC, a proud member of DECOEXPER with vast experience in international and domestic trade, proudly presents its new line of high-quality water-soluble fertilizers. These private-label products are expertly crafted to meet the specific needs of professional producers in the Greek market.

AQUA-Feed 20-20-20

One of the standout products in this line is AQUA-Feed 20-20-20, a complete water-soluble crystalline fertilizer that is suitable for all types of hydro-fertilization.

AQUA-Feed also boasts excellent solubility in water and is enriched with trace elements such as Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, and Zinc.

Water-soluble fertilizer Aqua-Feed can equally be used with all types of outdoor and greenhouse crops.

At this point, some of the key features of AQUA-Feed 20-20-20 include

  • its complete water-solubility
  • its enrichment with trace elements: Boron (Β), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), and Zinc (Zn).  
  • its suitability for all crops. 
  • Packaging of 25kg

If you are in an agronomy business, own an agronomy shop, and are seeking a collaboration opportunity with AgriSC, fill out the form below. Our team will respond promptly!